
Joined: June 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 184782

Quotes by writteninwords

Indescribable .
Indescribable feelings , they're too hard to describe . 
I’m confused, and there’s no one inside . 
You can’t hear me, or my silent cry . 
We’re hidden deep under my shameful sigh . 
I try to use these words for expression, but all I’m getting out of it is depression . 
It lets out my inner feels , sh*t I didn’t even know , and now you see me breathe every word , then I swallow .
Then there’s a pit, a bottom-less hole . 
Where my feelings fall , I realize the goal . 
Every time I write I just want to write more , but I get confused and stuck , & don’t know what for . 
I feel like I should be writing down what I am inside , but to tell the truth , they just went to subside .
I feel , you feel , physically & emotionally . 
What does it mean though ?
Does anyone really know ?
We’re all really just people , nothing more . 
Our bodies of a different , but same organs and purpose . 
But our words and emotions , they seem airless .
Do you understand what I’m saying ?
Can you hear my praying ?

- original poem - by Kelsey -