
Joined: June 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 79472
Status: Offline!

Hi, the name's Lizzy.
I'm a silly girl who wears her heart on her sleeve.
I love almost everybody and regret nothing.
I'm short and loud, thanks for the reminder, I haven't forgotten.
I've played soccer basically my whole life; and I fell in love with it from the get-go.
I'm 13, and I'm just an insecure teen trying to find myself.
Aren't we all?
I speak my mind and WILL stand up for myself.
Music is probably one of the most important parts of my lifee.
My ipod plays for hours on end.

Well, thats pretty much me, but if you want to know more then let's talk sometime[:

By the wayy;; this would be me. (:
[oldd pictureeee]
Credit to the one and onlyy AH-mazinggg SugarCoatedWhiteLies_xo;;
She made this BEAST layoutttt. AND wrote that paragraphh. cuz shes THAT cool.
Messagee hurrr.;*


Quotes by xXxTogglexXx

Miley Cirus was the Celeb of the Moment.
She was setting all of these Sexy crap pictures on the internet.
Good inflience?
I think not.
Don't be a
---------------> I don't know what happened to us;----------------->
Whatever You said...
Whatever I did...
I'm glad...
Don't go to someone that's not right for you. Get to know them before you date them.
Have you ever had that kiss...?
When butterflies flew...?
And it felt amazing...?
Not yet?
Don't kiss someone...
Just becuase you want your First Kiss...
Kiss the RIGHT person for you. You'll know.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything...
When somebody breaks up with you...
It's for a reason...
And that reason...
You should discuss...
And when you discuss it...
Don't break his/her heart...
By saying it in a mean way...
And when they break up with you...
Don't imideatly go for someone single...
Don't you just hate it when 2 of your friends are fighting, and your in the middle? Don't let that happen to you. just stay out of it. if you get ing the middle, there could either be a cat fight, or you could loose 1 of them. then... you're screwed.
Life is like a good book;
You don't want to put it down... :)
&& I  get  really  frusturated
when people are so excited for
just because they're going to get presents.
No , it's not the fact that it's our savior, Jesus's birthday.
You get your presents on your birthday.
He doesn't get anything.
So this Christmas, remember, it's his day.
And it's about giving,
not reciving.
If u like me so much,
Stop flirting with me,
And get the guts,
To actully ask me out.
Loser. get a life