
Joined: June 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 81192

I'll Be Here

Hey there, welcome to my humble abode (: I'm just your average middle school girl dealing with not-so dramatic dramas and all the ups and downs of being a teenager.

Music is my passion. I play the violin and I'm lovin' it. I'm also quite in love with writing, as well as reading. And just like everyone else on here, quotes are one of my obsessions. I hope you enjoy mine and have a good day :D:D


Quotes by xforeverhart123


-Kiss on the stomach; I'm ready. 
-Kiss on the Forehead; I hope we're together forever
-Kiss on the Ear; Your my everything. 
-Kiss on the Cheek; We're friends. 
-Kiss on the Hand; I adore you. 
-Kiss on the Neck; We belong together. 
-Kiss on the Shoulder; I want you. 
-Kiss on the Lips; I like you. 


What the gesture means... 
-Holding Hands; We definitely like each other. 
-Slap on the Butt; That's mine. 
-Holding on tight; I don't want to let go. 
-Looking into each other's Eyes; I just plain like you. 
-Playing with Hair; Tell me you love me. 
-Arms around the Waist; I like you too much to let go. 
~Laughing while Kissing; I am completely comfortable with you. 


Don't ask for a kiss, take one. 
If you were thinking about someone while reading this, 
you're definitely in Love. 


Post this again after reading!! 
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships. 


If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now 
and can't get them out of your head 
then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are 
missing will surprise you
(hotnikki) when i read this my heart sank
and i thought he never kissed me in any forever ways
so my heart floated back up again
i need a guy girls!
--->a girl
who smiles
who frowns
who laughs
who cries
who dreams
who wishes
who loves
who hates
who rages
who flies
who falls
who swims
who drowns
who is strong
who is weak
who is me.

i'm the girl who
thought she fell
i  n       l  o  v  e

but found out that
fall was all she

or did you love the attention he gave you?

credit for the edit.

everything was the same, everthing
        exactly as it should be .    everything, that is, except

crank by ellen hopkins

wrote a four page
letter to my sister,

w  i  t  h  a  b  o  y.
i think i asked
for her [forgiveness].

crank by ellen hopkins
He's the most annoying person in the world.
He steals my pencils and hides them in his shoe. And he pokes
the side of my stomach when he knows I'm the most ticklish
person in the universe. But I love his smile and the way he laughs.
I love the cute little glint in his eyes when he's concentrating
really hard on something. He never fails to make me laugh,
and he never ever stops making sure I'm happy. The worried
expression he gets when I'm mad, or sad, or disappointed has
always made my heart skip beats. I love him and everything about
But what I l
ove most is
the look in his eyes when he looks at


credit to me. no jocking.
please comment&fave
When I was little, I was always
afraid of taking showers
because whenever I turned
the water on, it would make this
weird groaning noise, and I was
afraid that a whale would pop up
from the drainage hole and try
to eat me. True story.
The moment you stop trying
is the moment you stop being heard.
[ [ give up ] ]

'never give up' is credit
to Winston Churchill.
the rest is mine.