
Joined: April 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 169892

Quotes by xocrazy_beautiful_lifexo

Haven been on witty forever!!  missed it so much!
that awkward moment when your on tumblr and you can tell they copied and pasted there picture/quote from witty... -.-
Beautiful Things never last thats why f ir e fli es f l  a s h
im in trouble im an addict im addicted....
& the truth makes everything else look like a lie...
That moment when you feel like crying because you realize that you HATE your best friend.
That moment when your mom catches you smiling from a text from "him"...
Words can't explain half of my problems,

                     but music can <3
ALL      DAY       ER'DAY
    To you its just a memory  

                                                but to me it still lives on