
Joined: February 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 67203
madiSon <3

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Quotes by xoitalianbabiixo2

xxbobo123: hello

starchristy55: who is this?

xxbobo123: you dont remember? oh what a shame. year 1997 you were born. december 5th
2003 you had your 6th birthday party. your best friend sally michaels got you your first ever easy bake. but she turned on you.

starchristy55: what the.....?

xxbobo123: when you were trying to bake the vanilla brownies. you set down the butter knife. she grabbed it and tried to stab you. but, when she missed your head, where she was aiming, and hit your arm ,and saw what she had done, she turned the knife on herself. 

starchristy55: who is this? billy? jane? fred? taylor? brittany? those are the only people who went to my party! an adualt wouldent do this!

xxbobo123: december 31st you had the funeral. you kept seeing her, standing next to people staring at you, with the knife in her eye. blood dripping from all paths. but you ignored her. 

starchristy55: who the eff r u?

xxbobo123: 2 years later on january 3rd of 2005, her birthday, you saw her again. but she didnt just fade away like before, she followed you every where

starchristy55: who do you know my life? how do you know me? how do you know this?

xxbobo123: 1 hour ago you were just thinking of her. of the day you killed her. 

starchristy55: i did not kill her!

xxbobo123: i think differently

starchristy55: who ARE you?

starchristy55: why are you doing this?

starchristy55: come on! ANSWER MEE!

dancarella38 has logged on

dancerella38: hello christy

starchristy55: oh great whos this person?

dancarella38: why its me, sally

starchristy55: why is this happening to me?

dancarella38: the day on your birthday party i tried to kill you, i regret it, but i always finisha task before it ends

dancarella38: i will see you tonite christy. goodbye

dancarella38 has signed off

xxbobo123: i will see you tonite as well

starchristy55: who are you? 

xxbobo123: remember 3 days after your party? billy colman died ina an accident?

starchristy55: yeah?

xxbobo123: i died, there was no accident. i died because sally came to me. and asked me to come with her. which i did not want to do. she said i must or a slow painful death will come to me. i refused. so a slow painful death indeed there was. 

starchristy55: oh my god... im so sorry

xxbobo123: well now you have that same choice.. let us take you... or  a slow painful death

xxbobo123 has sighned off

                     later that night

christy sat in her room cold and afraid

exactly wat she was told would happen, did

she chose to be taken because she beleived it was real

repost this once and you will be safe

if you dont repost thisthe spirits of, billy, sally, and christy will haunt you.... this is a life or death situation....

repost, or be taken..or have a slow and painful death....
darling look out below cause theres alot to let go.. ♥
love is taking that dive and gettin really comfortable and peeing in the pool. </3
Y0u bel0ng wiith me .
Dont you wiish you could call him yours.

                                             Officer:                 What is your D.O.B.? 
                                             Criminal:              What's a D.O.B., man? 
                                             Officer:                 When's your birthday? 
                                             Criminal:              May 5th 
                                             Officer:                 What year? 
                                             Criminal:              Every year, man.

i like this not mine. credit to:lucozadefreak
I used to be love drunk
But now Im hungover
Ill love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now its just a bar fight
So dont call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

credit for the fade* boyslikegirls* L0VE DRUNk*

Since we were little; i knew you'd be my best friend forever. ♥

100% mine.

favorite iitt♥

though miles lie between us
    we are never far apart ,
       for friendship doesnt count miles
         its measured by the heart

found it on a myspacequotes; not miine.