
Joined: July 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 314154
xoliveyourlifexo ♥
hi there (:
the names lily, incase you were wondering. 
i blow out the candles on July 17th. 
my favotire holiday is 4th of july, because i spend it with all of my family(:
i absolutely adore justin bieber & zayn malik.♥
i live in the wonderful state of tennesee.
yes, i'm a country girl(:
toby keith all the way.
i don't hate anyone / anything, but i do dislike people / things.
i'll talk to anyone(:
i guess that's it...
well goodbye ;-*

[+] texting, tumblr, facebook, witty, summer, bonfires, tanning, PINK(the store ;D ), family
friends, taking pictures, instagram, yoga pants, cheerleading, volleyball, food.♥

[-] bullies, people who try to act cool, people who act stupid on purpose to impress a guy, when
people ask for followers/faves, when people are rude. one direction quotes.

never say goodbye. because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.♥


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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Thank you very much!
TheMascaraSeries 1 decade ago
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awh, thank you so muchh♥
niki12354 1 decade ago
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go here, please
it's for my best friend and she really deserves to go
so click please??
it takes less than 5 seconds to do and you don't have to log on to anything..
sorry if you hate me for leaving this here...
ps-- i'll do anything if you go to the link c: