
Joined: April 23, 2009
Last Seen: 3 years
user id: 74410

Quotes by xonhgrl18ox

Fave if,

  There are some people that you want to throw in a shark tank while they have their periods. :)

Every girl wants that  - - - - >   boy


  to  have  a  fairytale  with    .. 

Well,  I    think   I've   found that boy <3

Roses are dead, Violets are black
I really regret, Ever loving you back
Because my heart is now wounded from your attack


Life is about creating memories..
 That you look back on when your in a wheelchair


is Gods way of telling you that you've got everything you need...


 is Gods way of telling you that everyone deserves a second chance <3


two different quotes combined, so partially mine


&& I wish there     was whiteout for      the words that      come out of        my mouth and     not the words     i write on paper...

Just because life isnt tied in a bow, it is still a gift. A gift worth
much more than any ipod or cell phone. But thats not how people see it.
People see their life as a given and take advantage of every

 if you want the rainbow, 
                                              you have to wait through the

not mine xx

You have to wait through the rain if you want the   Rainbow