
Joined: February 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151211
About me :
My name is savanna .
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Quotes by xosavannaxo



plot twist: blondes are smart

why is everyone so pretty and then theres me...

I love when guys play with my hair <3

Oh my gosh guys, i'm about to cry right now! Zayn Malik and Niall Horan smoke.  :(

Okay so you guys say that jocking and "fave if" quotes are against the rules but there should be a rule where you cant just go around reporting peoples quotes for absoloutley no reason what so ever. Im really getting tired of this, people will have quotes that are not against any of the rules and people just report it, like come on bro seriously?
stop reporting peoples quotes because they are "jocked" OMG
Really guys, "Fave if" quotes are against the rules now? There are no rules on witty, witty is a place where we can come and write or say whatever we want! I'm not trying to start anything but like seriously? You dont need to report a quote cause it says "fave If". Your just mad that the quote got more faves then yours did. And as for jocking, most people on here get there quotes from someone or somewhere else. I mean if its the same exact format and everything but then i understand. Im pretty sure you didnt just make that quote up by yourself. I am really not trying to start any drama im just voicing my opinion.

That moment of pure fear right before
you get a test back.
Everyone says they wish life was a dream. If life was a dream i would be dead..