
Joined: July 28, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 39424
So my name is Megan. I'm only 13, but my birthday is in one month. I think I'm like 5'8". Kinda tall for my age I guess. I don't play sports but I lovee watching them. I sing and and play the piano and guitar. I love watching movies. Emo boys are amazingg. My friends are basically my life. I'm alwayss on the computer. I love google, i mean.. where would i be without it? My sisters annoy me a lottttttttt. I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, but I REALLYYY like this guy.. Hollister, Abercrombie And Fitch, American Eagle, and Pacific Sunwear are my favoriteee stores ever. I can't sit still for too long. umm that's pretty much itt

xourfairytale is a leader and is not following anyone