
Joined: April 13, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 73458
i am an italian babe and i love witty my 2 cousins musicxx16 and angiee_x_babes introduced this website to me and i love the website and them.

please comment on all my stuff and rate high =]


Quotes by xoxo_Italian_Babe_oxox

The thing I want but can`t have

why do you fill me up buttercup baby just to let me down

so true i love those lyrics


I want to be your princess in a castle

all mine rate high

i am just that good honey
Honey I understand but get up to page 2 already

thanks eddie<3

Honey we understand your mentally challenged . We all need some help .

all mine rate high


                                               There are Greend Ships
And there are Red Ships
                                                                                     But the best ship is **Friendship**

Thanks Kiara<3

If love is worth fighting for than why aren`t you in that war?

all mine please don`t copy me

rate high if you know what i am talking about...

wake up when do things look good enough for youto see what we can be............                 

I can`t help it if you look like an angel...
and if I want to kiss you when the rain comes ...
I`ve had this feeling since I`ve met you...
Can`t help it if there is noone else...
Oooh I can`t help myself..