
Joined: August 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 204956

Quotes by xoxomeaghan

Shut up, I love you, ok?

If all your boyfriend wants you for is your breasts, legs, and thighs send him to KFC.

You're a lady, not someones value meal♥.


Its so hard to
forget someone who gave you so much to remember


Mentally im done.
Emotionally im hurt.
Physically im smiling.


I prefer to call it surprise adoption


you don't understand.
                                           there isn't one person in this world i want more than you.
You: Teacher?!
Teacher: Yes?
You: Can I ask you something?
Teacher: Yes, go on.
You: Would you punish me for something I didn't do at all?
Teacher: Of course not!
You: Good, I didn't do my homework.

 G   F ck  Y   rs  lf

would you like to buy a vowel?


No matter day or night I'm shining;

/// b*tch I'm a star. ♥