
Joined: December 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 141757

Quotes by xxCheergrl1xxx

Seeing a girl cry over a guy... thats nothing new, But seeing a guy cry over a girl... thats REAL feelings<3:)


Good too know; You chose her. I know she knows you more because you dated her before there was an "us," but I kept asking you if you still wanted to be with her and what is killing me is you always said no. I guess that changed in a day or two since now she has you. Me and her were never friends we have always been fighting over you and I had asked you if you were worth all of the drama she brought to me, you lied again when you said yes. Now, that I want you she has to have you, I tried telling you she only wants you because I want you, you didn't listen. I know she is going to hurt you but you won't listen to me anyways. I'm done trying to get to understand her ways; it's just a waste now, you don't love me you love her. You only used me when I moved to your school to show her that your an amazing guy and you can get another girl that won't listen to the rumors or hurt you. I am that girl. I guess you can say what is killing me is you left me for someone who is just going to end up hurting you; even though you have a girl that would NEVER do anything to hurt you. But I guess you like to be hurt so I will let you go and do what you want, make you own mistakes and as much as it kills me to see you with her, I hope she makes you happy, I hope she was worth it; Cause now I'm done..

Your face.

10 million people dislike this.


he chose her; can everyone shut up now? thanks..

Good too know; You chose her. I know she knows you more because you dated her before there was an "us," but I kept asking you if you still wanted to be with her and what is killing me is you always said no. I guess that changed in a day or two since now she has you. Me and her were never friends we have always been fighting over you and I had asked you if you were worth all of the drama she brought to me, you lied again when you said yes. Now, that I want you she has to have you, I tried telling you she only wants you because I want you, you didn't listen. I know she is going to hurt you but you won't listen to me anyways. I'm done trying to get to understand her ways; it's just a waste now, you don't love me you love her. You only used me when I moved to your school to show her that your an amazing guy and you can get another girl that won't listen to the rumors or hurt you. I am that girl. I guess you can say what is killing me is you left me for someone who is just going to end up hurting you; even though you have a girl that would NEVER do anything to hurt you. But I guess you like to be hurt so I will let you go and do what you want, make you own mistakes and as much as it kills me to see you with her, I hope she makes you happy, I hope she was worth it; Cause now I'm done.


You call me plastic, But you'll be glue, Whatever you say about me sticks back to you.


It's the perfect frustration killer, worry crusher, boyfriend forgetter, heartbreak fixer, and it even taste great.

Side effect may include: dizziness, clumsiness, short term memory loss, in bed with random dude(s), a very bad Hang over, and very tuff mornings.


My mom told me the best thing in life is to be Happy. A few years later my teacher asked what i wanted to be when i grew up, I said Happy, she said i didn't understand the assignment, i told her she didn't understand Life.