
Joined: June 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312924
Hello there. (:
 I'm Brianna Nicole. I'm only 9. I need as much help in life as I can get, because well, there aren't very good role models out there.  What's a better place to learn how to have a happy life than the marvelous quotes on here? (: My sister would always talk about this site & how wonderful it is, so I thought I'd try it out, because she finally convinced me. My sister likes singing, & I take after her on that. I think I may want to be a singer someday. I find it incredibly fun.  I would really like to play the piano, but I only know about one song. I like wearing stripes for some reason. (: I like the band One Direction, espcially their song, ''What Makes You Beautiful''.  I really like Jim Carrey. (: I have a twin, James, who is the complete opposite of me. I can be sort of rude when I want to, so I get in trouble often. I hae three sisters & two brothers. My oldest, Monia, is disabled. I live in Georgia in a veryyyy small town. So not a whole lot goes on. I'm pretty smart. I get all A's. My favorite sport is tennis, even though I only play it on the Wii. I'm really supportive of my sister & her singing, so she's supportive of me in return, even though she doesn't always show it.  I really like T.V that are too 'mature' for me, as my sister calls it. My favorite color is pink, I love it. (: I also want to learn the guitar, but my sister has broken most of them around the house, she likes to rock too hard. (: I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. I'm a belieber, like other little girls my age. (:  I like drawing, it's one of my favorite hobbies. (: Well, I'm just rambling on now, so bye! (:

baby, you light up my world like nobody else

Quote Comments by xxSunshineexx