
Joined: June 7, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 111410
zoee; eighth grade; fourteen.
get at me?(;

Quote Comments by xximmaninjaxx

xximmaninjaxx 1 decade ago on quote #4549468
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@fattison- Homosexuality is found in several species, & homophobia is found in ONE. you obviously have no idea what you're even saying. it isn't like boys in 1st grade around going around checking girls out or talking about boobs or anything. if gay marriage is legalized, what's the worst that's gonna happen? people will actually be able to love who they want to love & not be judged? the fact that you would even have the nerve to write that on here me off more than you can even imagine. & there's plenty of little girls & little boys who KNOW they don't like the opposite gender but it's not like they know what to do about it. they're young.&even if they did people would judge them. just like you're doing. & unless you can speak to animals, i would just keep your mouth shut about that.
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xximmaninjaxx 1 decade ago on quote #3906208
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Katy Perry & Russel Brand are married. There's a ten year difference there. Madonna's boyfriend is like 20 years younger than her.
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xximmaninjaxx 1 decade ago on quote #2621255
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aha my uncle's gonna buy it for me if i get enough favorites. :3
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xximmaninjaxx 1 decade ago on quote #2564448
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not letting two people get married because of their gender is practically a hate crime, & taking their rights away. the bible is against aloot more than just gay marriage, yet people don't obsess over that? i think that anybody who's against gay marriage or is homophobic needs to get off the internet, & unfollow me, or never even think of following me, cause you're stupid & unreasonable. k thanks bye(:
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xximmaninjaxx 1 decade ago on quote #2471982
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seriously people, i don't even like justin bieber, but he doesn't deserve any of the craap people give him. if you like him, great, good for you, have fun with that. if you don't, the same goes to you. doesn't mean you have to waste your time hating on him. put yourself in his shoes&then walk a mile, cause i'm sure you wouldn't be able to put up with half the stuff he puts up with.
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