
Joined: September 16, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 89236
names caroline, justin bieber is who i like . yup.

Quotes by xxwoahxx3

   i   cant wait  for  history   class
  [                block B                  ] 
    'cause   ;   you sit     |right in front  of me|

i know its bad . but i feel
so whatever today, so its
just whatever i guess..
no, im not perfect ; and i dont
|  live      to      be  |
but next time you point your finger,
make sure your hands are cl

why do i have to be soo bad
at editing quotes ? "/ . well, if
you like the quote please fave
and the super tiny chance that
you like the editing..

..yeah its ok if you dont (:
for those of you who need it..
everything is going to be okay . the first
problem that just came to your
mind now , is
probably whats been bothering you lately. whether its
boy problems, family problems, school problems,
anything.it may
not look like it now, but things always
turn out okay in the end. for every bad thing, there is
good thing that follows close behind. so dont be so sad
lately, just wait for something
good to happen. and it
will happen, trust me. ive been in so many situations
where i thought it couldnt get any worse. and i bet
a lot
of you right now feel that way. and things may not
be looking up yet, but they will. trust me. its gonna be okay(:

mine.. i gues its some sorta vent.
cause i know i needed that right now
.. eh i hope this helped you at least (:
dont ya hate it when
yu like your best friends boyfriend ?

hahah .. im already in trouble
cause i flirt with himm , and she
notices .... uh oh .. (:
though miles may lie between us
we are never far apart,
for friendships dont count by distance
it is measured by the heart [Y

dedicated to lexi, i miss you so much
and i wish you didnt have to move, ily.
best friends and sidekicks always ! (:
and i know the colors are random , but there lexis favorite colors (:
|you make me wanna lose control|

i make them good girls go bad.
okay im obsessed with that song.
but umm yeah , this is dedicated.
aahaah.. (: fave!

i used to be lYve
drunk, now im hungover,
i loved you
forever is over

i hate being lazy.
haha, you can fix it
if you want. and i just
did the preview and once again
the quote turned out not the way
its suppost to be, haha . it was suppost
to be centered but it wont let me center
it , so thats why it looks bad. sorryyy .

how come ; when things start
to go my way in life , i have to
be myself and do somethig so
s t u p i d ?

ugh , does that happen to anyone else
or am i the only one ? haha. yup , fml (:

i wish there was a stupidity option for
type of quote.

and fml even more , i just did the preview for this,
AND IT DIDNT COME OUT RIGHT ! i hate you witty.
just kidding, i love you.
 why cant you see
that im the one  who understands
you ? been here all along, so why
cant you see; you belong with me .

why do these always come
out ugly ? grr , ahah . i love
this song ., and its on the radio.
so i decided to make a quote .
hehe (:
apenas bailes
j u s t   d a n c e

yeah... it looked
better in my mind
oh well . its just
dance in spanish.
thats my all time
favorite song. fave?
and im only in 8th
grade, sorry if its wrong !
i think its right though (: