
Joined: May 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 76776
hi i'm hayley. i'mmmm in 8th grade. uh. i come on here once in awhile. buuut i have a youtube&twiiter. whichhh are vvvvvv there. so check dat out. but yyyeah. SO that's my story. bye.

ps.. CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE;subscribe, and rate.


Quotes by xxxhayleyy6

I need a little more thunder, a little more lightning, a little more you.

sorry it's not the best, still trying to get the hang of this.
it's been awhile.

Stay Fours The Same; The Ready Set

---------->Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken<------------

Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong

Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone


The best soy latte that you ever had and...


wowzerzz. took me foreevveerr!
drops of jupiter-Train.

credit fer the edit!

xxxhayleyy6. <3
Today, one of my best friends wasn't coming to school today.
I walked over to my math teacher to tell her,
as i continued to walk into homeroom, my homeroom teacher said,
you know what cures fever? more cowbell.
now who's my favorite teacher?

true storyy!
you'll get it if you've seen that episode of saturday night live. (:

;;credit pleeassee

press the heart! ♥

Well, I hope your happy, you broke the " old "
love of your life's heart.
I didn't know love worked like that.
I didn't know you could just choose another "love of your life" the next day,
But, hey, i guess you learn something new everyday don't you?


make it pretty.

You know, I loved you before I hated you. <3

-New Adventures of Old Christine.

took me forreeevveerrrr.

venting venting venting.

press the witty bitty heart at the bottem. (: <3


Today, I saw a guy running like crazy to get to class. I yelled after him, "RUN FORREST RUN!" Without missing a beat, he yelled back "I GOTTA FIND BUBBA!" with the appropriate accent. It was awesome.

gotta love it. (:

As I was scrolling down the page looking at quotes,
the one said
I was confused.
No worries, it was an ad...
I'm still kind of confused why teenage girls want big gay kisses,
that doesn't make sense to me.
But don't worry,

 I'll tell you when I figure it out.

ahahahahahaha ad's on witty.
credit; <3
this quote isn't going to be the prettiest of them all, but i want you guys to favorite this quote if you think what kanye west did was horribly wrong and taylor does not deserve that. I personally don't know who kanye west thinks he is saying that!
some people say I have bad taste in guys because they aren't the cutest around;;
B u t a t l e a s t t h e y c a r e

venting venting venting.
i just thought of it but it's prolly on here
so sorry.
rate high though. (: