
Joined: January 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 147292

Quotes by xxxxxxxx8

Haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise, you hear it but you can’t see them. Then right when you walk by them, they’re quiet.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real. -Tupac Shukar
The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.

- Paris Hilton

My road to redemption has no GPS⇔
Never mind what haters say, ignore em' till they fade away.
When people try to bring you down, it's just because you're above them;*
If you can't find something to live for, you best find something to die for. -Tupac
The goal isn't to live forever, it's to create something that will. -Chuck Palahniuk 
Good, better, best, never let it rest, till your good is better, and your better is best. -Tim Duncan