
Joined: November 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 244940
Hey guys. My name is Katie. I'm 14 and I'm in 8th grade. My favorite band is Black Veil Brides. My three favorite songs right now are 'The Mortician's Daughter' by BVB, 'Saviour' by BVB, and 'Pumped Up Kicks' by Foster The People. Music, books, and my close friends are my absolute life. I love to draw but I'm crap XD. When I grow up, I want to be a forensic scientist or a writer. Or both ;). I have a brown Boykin Spaniel named Nick who hates me sometimes. I’m a vegetarian but not one of those ‘OMG! You’re eating meat! I can’t be around you!’ types.
I have two older brothers, one is a freshman in college and one is a senior in high school. I live in south western Ohio. I love watching shows like Ghost Adventures and Destination Truth, but I also love to watch NCIS and Burn Notice. I love night and reading and writing. I play lacrosse and volleyball. Any questions, comments, concerns, kerfuffle, feel free to comment below!
Everything but my typed down words are from this website>
Random Me Facts!
My favorite

drink:Vanilla Coke
girls name:Ryder/Terra  
guys name:Fane
book:'North of Beautiful'
thing to do in spare time: listen to music

Comments by you_dont_know_me_but_you_care

you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to UnfogettableMe
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You are welcome:) if you every want to talk, I'll be waiting
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to UnfogettableMe
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I know you probably hear this a lot, but I'm going to say it anyways. People give you crap because you're misunderstood. And when people don't understand, the make unfair judgement calls and get a little scared. I'll keep you, Zach, and your child in my prayers
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to volleyball07xoxo
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happy bday!
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to TheKillJoy
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you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to volleyball07xoxo
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this is what i used. the music isnt workin right now since youtube changed. and thankss
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to volleyball07xoxo
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lol ill help.
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to volleyball07xoxo
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you spelled 'being' rong! ;)
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to LukeLacrosse10
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do you play lacrosse?
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to nevercutyourbeautiful
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thanks. im trying to figure out when and where to tell my teacher. thanks again(:
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to you_dont_know_me_but_you_care
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you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to nevercutyourbeautiful
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People get on my nerves soooooo much. They just don’t know when to keep their mouths shut. People I in my grade call me goth and emo because I have lyrics on my backpack, black is one of my favorite color, and some other reasons. But they don’t have enough b@ll$ to say that sh*t to my face. They are scared of me and I know it. You see, I take Tae Kwon Do, which is like karate, and I’ll be a black belt (hopefully) by the time I graduate high school (I’m in 8th grade).One of my friends saw my wrist during science, and asked what had happened. I lied and told her I tripped into a rose bush. She took it, but one of my other friends asked if ‘that was the thing I was going to show her but never did.’ I told her yes. Another thing, I don’t know what t do. I want to tell someone like a teacher, but when my friend did that last year, she saw the school psychiatrist. She told me that they didn’t do anything during her sessions. And on her last day, the lady said, “I think you’ve improved a lot.’ Wanna know what my friend told me? IMPROVEMENT MY @$$! It’s the same woman this year. So I really don’t want to go to her, but I’m just acting like the people I hate: I’m judging her before I ACTUALLY meet her. That’s one thing I hate about myself. I do things that I hate people because they do them. And I do it without thinking and it’s not until later that I think about it and want to take back what I said. My grade is filled with people who are two-faced, backstabbing people who don’t take other people’s feelings into though. As long as they feel like they ‘rule the school and our lives’, they are perfectly fine with that. I bet they wouldn’t care if I just disappeared. I guarantee they’d fake the grief, but they’d get over it and be the perky, peppy, happy selves the nest or a few days later. But wanna know who would never recover from it? My family and true friends. I don’t want to put them through that, which is one of the main reasons I’m still here. They are the reason I get up in the morning, the reason why I take the crap thrown at me. Why I do what I do to keep them safe. But who am I hurting more by keeping this a secret: them or myself?
you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to GalaxyDefender
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you_dont_know_me_but_you_care 1 decade ago to FunZy0x4
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fallowed (: and thanks!