
Joined: February 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151741

heeey i'm maddy!

meet me. get to know me. live, laugh & lovee everyone& everything(:
forgeet the hateers & live life to the fulliest.
there is no real meaning to a best friend; thats why none of you are in my profilee,
cause you know who you are <3
forgive & forget the troublees.
live life to the fulleesst.
if you dont be yourself, then why be someone youre not?


Quotes by youshouldseemine34

who do you think you are?
running around leaving scars.
collecting your jar of hearts.
and tearing love apart.</3

all these moments might
find their way into
my dreams


no matter how i feel,
it's always true,
the one thing that
makes me smile