Love Quote #1395114
all quotes · love ·

Oh the things girls will do.♥ She curls her hair, because

Oh the things girls will do.♥

She curls her hair, because it makes her look prettier, just in case you think it does too.
She always puts makeup on, because she never knows when she'll run into you.
She plans her outfits the night before school, so she can look her best in the morning.
In the corner of pages in her notebooks, she writes I l♥ve you.
You're the last thing on her mind before she goes to sleep, and the first thing when she wakes up.
She daydreams in class, thinking about how it could be.
When she's talking to her friends and she sees you, she automatically asks if she looks ok and fixes her hair.
She gets butterflies all the time, and when she sees you, it feels like those butterflies are all coming together.
She doesn't care about your flaws, she loves you for every one of them.
She texts you alot, and you have long conversations about absolutely nothing.
& when she texts you, she feels bad beause she thinks she annoys you.
She gets jealous when other girls talk to you, constantly reminding yourself he's not yours.
She thinks of all the gorgeous girls who like you, and compares herself to them, knowing she's not half as pretty as them.
She can only say that there's no words to describe how she feels about you, only how amazing you are.

Oh the things girls will do.♥

(click the ♥ if this applies to you) i think this is one of those quotes you keep in black & white...agree, disagree?

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posted March 21, 2010 at 12:11am UTC tagged with love

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