Quote Quote #3191540
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rawritsamandax 1 decade ago
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Like most people said, im not shoving my religion down anyones throat. I just wanted to simply see how many people on witty who believes in him. Not to start somthing. And for all of you who are making such a big damn deal out of it , why are you on my wuote anyways? why cant you just f*cking ignore it. dont start anything. its your opinion if you dont thing God is real , and its MY opinion that i believe in him. just f*ck off.
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LetsDoItTonightx3 1 decade ago
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For the one's telling those who don't like the quote, not to favorite and move on. You can't expect people not to give their opinion on a quote that is so, very controversial.

I have been reading most of these comments, and all of them seem to be pretty respectful. They simply said "No, I don't believe." They didn't harass anyone else for their opinion. However, some people need to calm down.
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DABRICK55 1 decade ago
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dont believe in anything so not to offend anyone but i dont
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Faving a quote is not going to show God how much I love him - and he's the only one I seek approval from. He's my savior, my creator. He's there for the good times and the bad. He's my best friend and my guidance. Nobody in this world could provide for me like he has.
oh and for xoxoGotNinjaxoxo I'm sorry that that has happened to you. But do you think God enjoys seeing you in pain? Do you think he enjoyed sending his son down to die for our sins? No, he puts you through that because he believes in you, so why not believe in him? He says that He will NEVER put you through something that he knows you couldn't handle.
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MaddieBabbyy 1 decade ago
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No one cares who you guys believe in or what you don't believe in. It's not like she is shoving her religion down your throat. It's called freedom of speech, look it up dolls (: She didn't write this for you guys to come on hear and tell her how you don't believe in God. She didn't ask you if you believed in God, she simply asked for people to fave if they did. So shut the up and stop hating. You sound like idiots. Witty is a place where you write what YOU want. If it isn't hurting you, then there's no problem. Get off her quote if you don't like it.
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Run_Away_From_Reality 1 decade ago
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Ohkay , uhm , this is witty , & here's the thing , we go on without judging ourselves or other people . & this quotes discrimantes alot of people (idk how to spell that) We want things on witty that aren't going to cause major drama & this obviously has. I believe in god but i'll never fave a quote like this , I dont need to tell you my beliefs
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myduckiesayswoof 1 decade ago
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I believe in god, but I'm not going to favorite this to prove it. I don't need to press a button to say I believe in something. I just do.
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hazeybabyxo 1 decade ago
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@te_amo . i agree .
GOD is our creator and i will always believe in him ♥
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mileyluver56798 1 decade ago
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caughtinthe_chains you need to know that God does those things as a test. if human kind hadn't followed people like , then we wouldn't have gone through the holocaust. God sets up tests for us to pass but we always fail.
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aubzxox23 1 decade ago
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i do not believe in god.
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IxLovexStevex 1 decade ago
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Nobody's perfect, not even God.
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kingkong007 1 decade ago
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okay, God gave us free will to make decisions. that's why there's murder, that's why all the bad stuff happen. Stupid people make bad decisions, but that's not God's fault. If God wanted to control everything we do he could, but he wanted to give us free will. & I don't have a problem with people not believing but no other way of how the world started makes sense without God. but don't blame God for everything bad that happens, everything happens for a reason
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soccergurl2696 1 decade ago
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i dont believe in god... im athiast
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caughtinthe_chains 1 decade ago
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my parents tell me not to believe everything i read, but im supposed to live by the bible, because everyone SAID SO. no thanks, if there was a god, there wouldn't be poverty, murder, suicide, war, depression, injustice and selfishness. believing in anything anymore. do you know how many times the "stories" in the bible could have been warped and twisted by word of mouth before it was actually written down? why should we be expected to obey that and/or have it shoved down our throats by old, uptight, stuck-up teachers who were taught by NUNS for sake?
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ZombieSlayer 1 decade ago
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whydoihatemyself: Well your being a little nasty yourself telling people to STFU. They can post what thye w\nt, theres freedom of speech. And if you think THIS stuff of this quote is nasty I advise you to shut off your computer and go watch elmo or something for the rest of your life.
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whydoihatemyself 1 decade ago
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People who are being nasty and saying about the quote:
even if you don't believe in God, there's a little thing called respecting other people's opinion & freedom of speech. This quote isn't attacking anyone or any other religions/beliefs so just STFU.
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Te_Amo 1 decade ago
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I strongly believe in GOD. He's my creator and will ultimately be my extinguisher. Just saying, but i believe she said to fave if you also believe in GOD, not to try to tell her tht He doesn't exist or you dont believe. Proud believer of 16 years & counting. He has proven Himself and need not do another thing for proof.
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kyshea16 1 decade ago
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I don't believe in God. I accually have a reason for everything that I believe in, besides because an old book told me too.
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LetsDoItTonightx3 1 decade ago
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I don't believe in God.
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AlSpazz 1 decade ago
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I don't believe in god & I'm an atheist, but I respect people who do & I respect other religions.
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750 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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