Quote Quote #3303300
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luvshadowthehedgehog 1 decade ago
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You're very welcome.
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tay9715 1 decade ago
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Thank you, very much. This means a lot to me.
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luvshadowthehedgehog 1 decade ago
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I see, I'm glad you know that now, and are also trying to get the word out to others. It's a wonderful thing you're doing, I know as you've gone through it, you'll truly understand how important providing information and support to others is.
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tay9715 1 decade ago
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I'm taking such an interest in it because I attempted multiple times last year and I used to cut.. I know it's not worth it now.
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luvshadowthehedgehog 1 decade ago
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I give out my email (lara12345631@gmail.com) but no facebook at the moment (will reactivate around December, when I graduate high school)...if those who need it, you're welcome to give out mine as well.
And the presentation is a good concept. I myself, have not lost a friend to suicide, but two which have attempted suicide multiple times...
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tay9715 1 decade ago
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Thank you. I'm helping people my age first.. Which is 12-20 year olds. (I'm a freshman.) And I give out my facebook and email. And I just talk to people who need it. I'm planning a presentation with my ex boyfriend (yes, the ex that is all over my "I remember" quote) and we're going to talk to a bunch of teens and adults about it, since we've both lost friends to suicide.
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luvshadowthehedgehog 1 decade ago
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I agree, and I hope you can.
If you have any ideas on how, I'd love to help.
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7 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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