Surveys Quote #3623996
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Your best friend 1. What is their name? -Skye 2. How did you

Your best friend

1. What is their name?
2. How did you meet?
      - neibors
3. How long have you been friends?
       - 1 and a half years
4. Can you tell this person anything in confidence?
       - yep
5. Do you trust them with your life?
        - yess
6. Do you love them?
      -just like my sister<3
7. Has this person ever hurt you?
        - no
8. Ever had a falling out?
9. Do you consider this person family, or are they family?
            -just like family <3
10. Are they single?
11. Have they ever dated someone you hated?
12. Have you ever talked negatively about this person behind their back?
13. Do you know their family?
           - yess very well
14. D you still have sleep overs? If not, when is the last time you had a sleep over?
           -yess we do
15. Funnest memory you share with this person?
          -lmaoo high heeled goats. don't askk XD
16. Worst memory you share:
          -first moving heree
17. Tell us a funny story that occurred with you and your best friend:
             -the one time we weree in the city and we saw this one man. he was in like pink frilly clothes and was doing this interesting dancee.. we were cracking upp XD
18. Are they an only child?
           lmaoo thts fuuny. she has 17 siblings.
19. Whats their favorite food?
            - uuhm im going to sayy grapes XD (health freak XP)
20. Whats their favorite color?
21. Hey, how old is your best friend?
22. Do they have kids?
23. Do you think you will be besties forever?
           - i hope =]
24. Have you ever been separated due to a move?
25. Do you miss your best friend right now?
          -not really. i saw her this morning XD
26. Have you ever seen your bestie naked?
           - ii saw her topless once by mistake XP
27. Have they ever seen you in your birthday suit?
           -don''t think so
28. Speaking of birthdays, when is your best friends birthday?
            -april 4th
29. Whats their sign?
30. If they have siblings, do you get along with them?
            - i get along with most XD especally her younget sister <3

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posted August 21, 2011 at 9:30pm UTC tagged with surveys

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