Vent Quote #3723919
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wah so i just had to tell someone, It all started when my friend

wah so i just had to tell someone,
It all started when my friend Jess started texting this kid James. They talked a lot and she said they had a "thing" & she used to like him but not anymore. So my friend Syd started texting him and Syd and James like each other. Well Jess got upset with Syd and said best friends shouldnt do that. And over this whole time period (few months) I've been texting this guy Antonio who is also James' friend. Anyways I like Antonio and then Jess gets his # and starts texting him and then she told him that she likes him when she knew that I did. And everytime that I hung out with Jess shes like "Antonio's cute, I love his smile." Like she told Syd that best friends shouldn't go a nd text guys that she used to text but she goes and texts the guy i like. Does anyone else thinks that wrong? and thanks for reading means the world to me<3 any advice?


sophiecanrawr 1 decade ago
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Treenarose is right, tell him she's playing games and tell him you like him, don't wait. Also go tell her she's being two faced, she knew you liked him & she's trying to make you mad/ sad/ or jelouse. Either case you need to talk to her about it(:
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treenarose 1 decade ago
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shes being twofaced, does she now thatt you like that lad?and tell the lad you like thats shes playing games and how you feel and he will probably want her to go away:-)xxxxx
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posted August 31, 2011 at 1:10pm UTC tagged with vent

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