Quote Quote #3779662
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justachancenotalifetime 1 decade ago
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swearing is just a way to express yourself, its not classy & it doesnt make you a bad person. But, everyone has to swear at one point in their life, either you can get really off or it slips out. I said ' you' so many times in class because it just slipped out. Everyone that does their just being them. Its being human. But, the people that are just going around randomly saying it, i agree with you, its annoying. But, nothing you can do, people are just doing them.
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Kayak2014 1 decade ago
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This is mostly towards people who say it all the time, I didn't mean to offend anyone, and it was towards certain people I see on here, none of you guys. I'm sorry if you're offended.
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Paperbackwriter 1 decade ago
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I don't swear it's cool or funny or whatever. I swear cause I want to. No one influences me. I don't think I'm being classy and I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm just being me.
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_iwasenchanted 1 decade ago
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well, i swear but i just don't go around saying" F**k you" but its not classy, you're right. but its not horrbile. i understand you think it's not "cool", witch it really isn't, but its not stupid if people do. honestly, they are just words.
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bell0twoo 1 decade ago
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oh fuckkk!
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MiseryLovesMeee 1 decade ago
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Okay I swear. I don't go around screaming " you!" to everyone I meet, but it's a great way to express anger to friends. I don't think it makes a bad person, or not classy. I think it makes me a normal teenage girl with rage locked up inside her. I respect your decision to not swear, and I get that you think it's not cool, but it's not a bad thing sometimes.
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cujo* 1 decade ago
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I agree. But I do actually swear a lot.
I have a bad mouth when I'm mad. :s
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MaleMinded 1 decade ago
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swearing is more effective if you dont do it often. therefore, people are like "Omg so-and-so just swore! this must be serious!" just saying haha. idk if that made any sense
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posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote