Quote Quote #3900751
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LookPrettyPlayDirty 1 decade ago
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I wish I could . But I only have 8 family members who still want somethign to do with me and tht includes my immediate family . And I just moved to where I am now maybe 6-7 months ago . . . And I'm pretty much alone here . . And the guy who the dad is was my best friend . . but now he hates me bc of his new gf . . And his new gf doesn't want him to even look at me . . . This would be so much easier if I actually had someone . . .
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MissMeggles 1 decade ago
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Aww that's horrible! You need to find someone you can trust. Like an aunt or something.
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LookPrettyPlayDirty 1 decade ago
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Thanks girls . & I told my mom but she doesn't believe me . . /: & I've been doing nothing but research .
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MissMeggles 1 decade ago
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Well...if you're really scared, take another test.
And, if you're 5 months...I'd have you see a doctor or something but with your parents that could be bad...
I think you need to do some research and take another test...
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Chi96 1 decade ago
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Go to the doctor & have him/her perform a professional pregnancy test . Sometimes the ones at the store mess up . But best of luck with everything (:
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posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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