Surveys Quote #4535714
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Random Questions About Me: Spell your name without vowels: Dr

Random Questions About Me:
Spell your name without vowels: Dr
Your favorite number: 13
What color do you wear most?:
Least favorite color?: brown
What are you listening to?: nothing
What is your favorite class in school?: Home ec.
Are you outgoing?: um... idk my friends would know
Favorite pair of shoes?: Uggs/flipflops. i live in those things!
Can you dance?: NO!
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: si

Can you whistle? Yupp
Write with both hands?: heck no!
Cross your eyes: No, it makes me get naucious
Walk with your toes curled?: think so

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yea
Do you believe in miracles?: Yup!
Do you believe in magic?: sometimes
Love at first sight?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: YEAH BUDDY!
Do you know how to swim?: Yupp
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: Ew

Have you ever been on a plane?: Bunch of times
Have you ever asked someone out?: No
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yeah!
Have you ever painted your nails? Yuppp

What is the temperature outside?: um... cold

What radio station do you listen to?: I have xm so hits 1 or the pulse
What was the last thing you bought?: Christmas gifts
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Horrid kiddy shows

Who was the last person you talked to?: My mom (seriously)
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Maggie
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: My mom ( dont lol)

Are you a happy person?: EXTREMELY HAPPY:D
What can make you happy?: A LOT of things haha
Do you wish you were happier?: Probably not, id burst with happieness. Id probably explode into a bunch of emoticons
Can music make you happy?: yeash, yes
How many times have you had your heart broken?: once, twice, a few, ten...

What is your current hair color?: Golden brown
What does your hair look like now? Wet... just took a shower
Have any tattoos?: Nope
Eye color?: Brown

What shirt are you wearing?: pj top
Pants: Fluffy pj bottoms
Shoes?: Fluffy alpaca slipers
Necklaces?: Nonee

Been to jail: Never!
Ran away from home: nope
Laughed so hard you cried: si
Thrown up in a store: no
Wanted to be a model: no
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about?: I like trains
seen a dead body: Yep.. mummy... unwraped...
skinny dipping: um.. lemme think about it... NO!

1. Were you named after anyone?: yea my great grandma who died before i was born
2. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday
3. Do you like your handwriting?: wish it was neaterr
4. What's your favorite lunch meat?: none... ham
7. Do you use sarcasm?: NOOOOO! really!
8. Do you still have your tonsils?: Yea
9. Would you bungee jump?: if i was paid
10. What is your favorite cereal?: dont eat cereal
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: no
13. What is your favorite ice cream?: mint choc chip.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?: voice, personailty, eyes

15. Red or pink: PURPLE
16. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?: my stomach
17. Who do you miss the most?: chris spealmen... old fam friend who i grew up with
18. Do you want everyone to complete this list?:no
21. What are you listening to right now?: Nothing
22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Purple
23. Favorite Smells?: too manyy smells;)

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posted December 6, 2011 at 8:30pm UTC tagged with surveys

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