Vent Quote #4870507
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worth reading.. My Brother found out I Cut and that I'm Suicidal..

worth reading..

My Brother found out I Cut and that I'm Suicidal..

He dismissed me from school and we talked about it for 2 hours.. after, he told me if I wanted to tell him anything..
after a minute or so I broke down in tears and told him everything..

His response:
"Kelsie, you are perfect. I love you so much, a lot of people do. If you were gone, I honestly don't know what I would do. I would miss you more than anything. Please don't hurt yourself. If you feel like you want to die, say to yourself 'Give it one more day'. If you ever feel sad or want to hurt yourself in anyway. call me. I don't care what time it is or where I am. You call me and I will come right home. If I don't answer the first time, you keep calling until I do. I am always here for you. I Love You So Much.
Please don't hurt yourself."

He honestly made my day worth it.
love you Zachary<3


daddysgirl4396 1 decade ago
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i wish i had your brother..
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xxteenxx 1 decade ago
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honestly. the best thing u can do is find a relationship with the lord im serious its the best way when ur loney pray to him talk to him hes ur father he loves u and he wants to know u love him to "you can do all things through christ witch stregthens you" Phillipians 4:13 please if u need to talk write on my wall or something
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posted January 10, 2012 at 9:00pm UTC tagged with vent

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