Vent Quote #5055940
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I'm a healthy body weight But today I got called anerexic

I'm a healthy body weight 
But today I got called anerexic by a close guy friend who said I need to be "fatter" and compared me to a girl who's 40 pounds overweight.
I defended myself and went off on him.
But I honestly don't know why it still hurts so bad. 
I get from other people but from your closet friend just sucks. When did it become taboo to be naturally skinny?

I know I probally shouldn't have posted this on witty but I just need someone to vent too.


xxcadillacphunquexx 1 decade ago
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I fricken hate it when people call me anorexic.... I eat so much now to gain weight...
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dakotashine 1 decade ago
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its not your fault. boys dont really know what they say. he didnt mean to
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RainbowMarshmellows 1 decade ago
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This is exactly how I feel sometimes. Everyone in my family calls me anorexic because I'm skinny and don't eat a very big dinner every night. I'm glad there's someone else like me.. =/
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