Surveys Quote #5150565
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if i were a princess i would be phocahantas and ariel Cinderella:

if i were a princess i would be phocahantas and ariel

[] One of your parents is dead.
[x] You love to dress up.
[x] You love animals.
[x] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming.
[] Your mom is really strict.
[] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you.
[x] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes.
[x] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before.
[] You have/had blonde hair.
[x] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like.
[] You’ve been lost in the forest.
[] You love to read.
[] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind.
[x] One of your family members is a bit weird.
[x] You have done volunteer work.
[x] You have a wild imagination.
[x] You love to take care of people in need.
[] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re hot (girls).
[x] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out.

[] Your dad is very rich/important.
[] You are very clever.
[x] You’ve been with someone way different from you.
[x] You’re unique and different from everyone else.
[x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich.
[] You have set a lot of goals for yourself.
[x] You don’t have a lot of friends.
[] You’re independent.
[] You are wealthy.
[] Your parents try to control your life.

[x] Your parents expect a lot from you.
[x] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you.
[x]You’re a bit of a trouble maker.
[] You’re the youngest in your immediate family or in the last 2.
[] You have a lot of sisters (3 or more).
[] You collect something.
[x]You have/had long, hair.
[x] You have/had a pet fish.
[x] You’re extremely curious.
[x] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible.

Snow White:
[] You know that you’re beautiful.
[x] You like taking care of others.
[x] You have/ had dark brown/ black hair.
[] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you.
[] You’ve almost been killed.
[] You have at least seven good friends.
[] You’ve had food poisoning.
[x] You have/had short hair.
[] You get along with almost everyone.
[x] All of your friends are different.
[x] You love to have a good time.
[Eh] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in.
TOTAL: 5.5

[] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[] People wish you could be a bit more girly.
[x] You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not.
[] You’ve had a physical fight with someone.
[x] You have/had considered running away from home.
[] Your parents try to plan your life out.
[] A lot of your friends are boys.
[x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations.
[x] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them.

[] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents.
[] You almost died at a very young age.
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful.
[x] You have a decent singing voice.
[x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends.
[] You spend most of your time outside.
[] You’re adopted.
[x] You’re very romantic.
[x] Pink is one of your favorite colors.

[x] You love to walk around and explore big cities.
[] You are more spiritual than religious.
[] You’ve been in an interracial relationship.
[x] One of your family members is dead (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa).
[x] Your parents are very protective of you.
[x] Someone you know has been in war.
[x] You love nature.
[] You have/had black hair.
[x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful.
[x] You’re very adventurous.

Repost as "If I were a princess I'd be .." (fill in blank with one you have highest total in)


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posted February 16, 2012 at 7:03pm UTC tagged with surveys

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