Quote Quote #5567435
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simplykori 1 decade ago
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Life may be hard sometimes, but think of it this way, you're life was given to you as a chance to make the world whole, when a person kills themselves not only are they destroying what could of been a happy life for themseleves, you're also destroying what could have been a happy life for someone else. I guarruntee right now, this very moment, someone loves you. You may not always feel it, but it's there. You're not alone in this world and when you're at your weakest, just remember, when life gives you a thousand reasons to frown, show it a million ways to smile and be happy.
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ssoccerlove17 1 decade ago
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Don't do it. I'm sure your amazing(: think of your future! Sweetheart it always gets better! #muchlove
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beautiful4evr 1 decade ago
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noooooo dont kill yourself
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StripedLife 1 decade ago
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Alright, go ahead. Do it. Just remember what you are leaving behind. WHat a great life you could of had. How amazing you probably are. How you could have gone to get help. And ....how I am always there with you, every step of the way. Please don't. trust me.
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2 Wittians like this


posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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