Surveys Quote #5589177
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Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? (1-7) boys and

Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? (1-7) boys and (8-13) girls:
2 Sean
3 Kyle
4 Noah
5 Max
6 Nick
7 Ben
8 Taylor
9 Malory
10 Kristina
11 Ally
12 Stacy
13 Katie
How did you meet number 10? Neighborhood, my sister for life♥
Have you seen number 4 cry? psh no way!
Would 11 and 2 make a cute couple? Definantly ;)
Are you good friends with number 13? Totes..history buddy for life!
Do you think 5 is cute?Gross no way! he's like my broski!
Something about 1? my science and bus buddy for life!
What's 7's fave color? No clue
What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you? kinda creepy! known him for too long to think like that blech!
1 fact about 9? shess my wifey for lifey
Would you ever live with number 4? totally! partay every night!
Is 2 single? single as a pringle
Best memory with 8? singing in the locker room
Would 3 and 12 make a good couple? they don't even know each other...awk sauce
If you could date anyone out of 1-7 who would you pick? 1.Greg
If you were stuck on an island which two people would you take out of 8-13? 9&10 mal and kristina! 

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posted April 25, 2012 at 4:59pm UTC tagged with surveys

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