Vent Quote #5836488
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So I'm back... I've been gone for about a month now,

So I'm back...
I've been gone for about a month now,
I was living on the streets,
I couldn't afford to go to internet cafes like I did at the start,
I was suicidal,
I spent my days sitting in shop doors,
Holding a cup hoping some random stranger might drop a few pennies in it,

Or in a homeless shelter for young girls,
Where I spent my time alone,
Where people stared at my scars but didn't believe my story,
It was to worst and hardest month of my life,

I got into some bad stuff,
But only because I felt like there was no point living,
Because I had nothing to live for,
But then I met Melissa,
She was nine and I first met her at the shelter,
She was so brave,
So wise,
But so young,
It seemed so unfair that she was there,

Every word she said to me made me realize what I would be giving up if I died,
She convinced me to go home,
To try and work it out with my adoptive parents,
So I did and now here I am,
With a cup of hot chocolate in my hand,
And the computer on my lap,
In my bedroom,
As though nothing had happened since I left,
And now I don't want to go,
Now I don't want to



hereforever 1 decade ago
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what did we tell you? it got better didnt it?
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giveyourheartabreak 1 decade ago
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I'm so glad you're back :)
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