Vent Quote #5854127
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I had it You know that boy everyone talks about. A boy that called

I had it
You know that boy everyone talks about.
A boy that called me beautiful, on a daily basis:
And no matter how many times I denied it, he never
failed to keep telling me. Sometimes, I actually
believed him. 

A boy that surprised me with flowers:
He showed up at my doorstep on random days. He always picked out the prettiest flowers.

A boy that made things good, when they weren't:
Last summer, I was supposed to go to a wedding with him.
However, at the last minute, my family decided to 
go on a vacation. So, I couldn't go to the wedding with him.
You know what he did? Before I left, he planned out a
night to dance on his deck. Candles were light, 
music was playing.

A boy that cares so freaking much about me:
He put MY happiness before everything. There
were some tough times. But, if I was happy,
it some how made him happy.

A boy that loved me for me:
He didn't care if I wore make up. Actually, he
prefered I didn't. He didn't mind my flaws.

And you know what idiot broke up with him? Me.
Why I broke up with him? I couldn't really tell you.
It's only been 6 days, since I did. I'm already
regretting it. I'm going to get him back.

Ladies, when you find a guy like this..
don't be stupid like me. Hold on to him.


LetsDoItTonightx3 1 decade ago
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I know V
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AmazingA 1 decade ago
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i did that. ugg. hate the feeling.
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21 Wittians like this



posted June 13, 2012 at 6:40pm UTC tagged with vent

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