Funny Quote #5916300
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Dear All Creepy Chain Letters I Didnt Forward So I have read

Dear All Creepy Chain Letters I Didnt Forward
So I have read quite a few chain letters today of which I did not forward  each one says a creppy person ghost creature will be in my room tonight to get me. Well what happens when they all show up? Will they have an epic batte in my room to decide who gets to k!ll me? Cause if so I would greaty appreciate it if you could please wake me up so I could get that on camera so I can finally have a viral video to put on youtube. 
Your Prey


Quote is mine


heaven_is_here 1 decade ago
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YES. Believe me the fight was EPIC! Mine was between a girl who looked like a piranha, a clown and another girl.
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Bluesoulflame 1 decade ago
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Best quote ever
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36 Wittians like this



posted June 25, 2012 at 9:41pm UTC tagged with funny

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