Poems Quote #5956842
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A Heart Stands Alone I couldn't hold back anymore the tears

A Heart Stands Alone

I couldn't hold back anymore
the tears started falling
there was nothing I could say
even if I fight it someone loses either way
i may as well be in China or on the dark side of the moon
because nothing is making sense without you
i always went above and beyond
it just wasnt enough
the worlds falling apart
and its drqagging me under
you could knock me over with a feather
the ending of a love
yes bitter-sweet indeed
none to cry for
live for
never knowing whats in store
looking ahead
fighting demons of the past
looking up and down
looking all around
just searching for answers
not knowing where to go
avoiding where i've been
things ending and beggining
yet i'm stuck somewhere remembering

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posted July 3, 2012 at 7:42pm UTC tagged with poems

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