Vent Quote #6017527
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Posting inspirational quotes: Me: (inspirational quote) Commenters:

Posting inspirational quotes:

(inspirational quote)
Commenters: I have so much respect for you!

*Two weeks later*

Someone: (similar quote to mine)
Commenters: Finally! Someone who gets it!

I don't know why but I find it incredibly annoying when people say "finally, someone who gets it" after I've already said it. I know I'm not the fiirst to say anything but that comment says that nobody's said it before so I sit there thinking "... what, I'm nobody?"

1 Comment

HeLivesAgain 1 decade ago
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Yeah! Or when they say they need someone to understand them and people comment "talk to me" and they totally ignore it!!
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posted July 15, 2012 at 7:55pm UTC tagged with vent

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