Inspirational Quote #6092198
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Here I go again, not feelin' like myself. I'm only sixteen,

Here I go again, not feelin' like myself. I'm only sixteen, I shouldn't have to feel so much pressure. My parents are struggling so much with paying their bills. My sports for school cost so much money, but they keep saying that they dont want me to give up what I love. I'm constantly thinking about how i'm going to pay for this or pay for that. How I can get money to do things with my friends. I cant afford what most families can. I know it could be worse and i'm so sorry that i'm being selfish but when i'm surrounded by people who get what they want all the time and can afford so many things, it makes me feel so low. Every night before I go to sleep, I get this sick to my stomache feeling, I worry about money, my family.. Just things I, a sixteen year old girl shouldn't have to worry about. I just wish things could have been different. Don't get me wrong, I love my family to pieces but I often wonder what it's like to belong to another family.. I just hate how stressful it is being apart of this family. And our money problem is something I would never tell anyone, so i'm constantly making up lies and excuses.. Its frustrating because people don't understand. & by being in that situation, i've really learned why people say: "don't judge anyone, you have no idea what they're going through" So, i'm sorry to those who i've mistreated, who i've judged, I really am sorry. Also, I am sorry if you read this and thing i'm selfish, because honestly I really cant help what I feel.

                                                                 - Just_InCase

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posted July 31, 2012 at 12:13am UTC tagged with inspirational

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