Story Quote #6126601
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every piece of your heart Chapter Twenty Five Harry looked at

every piece of your heart
Chapter Twenty Five

Harry looked at me as if he's never seen me before, and I awkwardly played with the box between my hands.
"Harry?" I asked, "You alright?" 
"Why did you do it?" He asked, disregarding my question.
He stared with his intense gaze into my brown eyes. 
"Would it suffice to say I love London that much?" I asked, joking around.
"Nope, it wouldn't" He said, smiling slightly.
"Fine, well then I wanted to tell you that breaking up with you was the worst decision I've ever made" I took a deep breath, "I've been a bloody mess"
"I have too" He chuckled, gesturing to his baggy eyes and ratty pajama pants.
"I'm sorry" I said sincerely and he nodded at me.
"So why a flat here?" He asked, crinkling his eyebrows at me.
"Oh the flat?" I asked coyly, "It shows you that I'm here to stay, and I really am"
He ran towards me, giant smile lighting up his face and accentuating his perfect dimples. He then picked me up and spun me around in a tight hug.
"Put me down!" I laughed, secretly thrilled he was doing this.
"No" He said, holding me close to his firm chest, "I never want to let you go again"
"It's gonna be hard to pee like that" I said seriously, holding back a grin.
We looked at each other and burst out laughing. When we stopped I leaned really close and lowered my voice to a whisper.
"I love how you make me feel, I love how you brighten my day, and I love you" I whispered in his ear.
"Well that's a good thing, because I love you too" He said back at the same volume, "More than I can even put in words"
I filled the slight distance between us, pressing my lips to his. 
Finally, this is exactly what I missed for a month,
I deepend the kiss and wound my fingers through his hair.
"Looks like they made up" I heard Niall laugh.
Me and Harry both glared at him, and he put his hand up in defense.
"Fine, I'm going" He smirked, "Use protection"
We both yelled 'Shut up!' at him, and he retreated back into the room.
"Hey Kelly?" Harry asked.
"Yeah?" I answered.

"Welcome to the neighborhood" He winked, kissing me firmly on the lips.
"I think I'm gonna like it here" I murmured, pulling him closer. And everything was finally right again, just the way I like it. With Harry holding every piece of my heart.
(Author's note- awww my last authors note for this story! guys, no epilouge, i don't think it needs one, but oh my gosh i'm sad to see this story go! it was time though, so i'm happy! i will be starting another one as soon as it's brilliant enough for you guys, so don't leave me! i love you all for supporting me, and i can't thank you enough. stay amazing x)



avillanueva17 1 decade ago
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I'm literally crying!! This is what you do to me!! I'm not even mad though because you wrapped it up so well!! I love ya!! I'm so sad it's over :(, but I'll be ok because you wrapped it up just the way I needed you to. God, I'm a mess, but I'll be ok because I know I'll love the next fanfic... A LOT!! Also, as long as you keep writing, I'll keep commenting!! And if you ever, ever need help with ideas... feel free to chat me, I am a dedicated directioner just like you and I could help you come with ideas whenever, if you want. I love it!! Great job!! LOVE YA!!
P.S Don't feel bad...I'm not really crying. I just came really close to crying because it was SOO AMAZING!! <3
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asianninjanerdsrule 1 decade ago
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Sorry, i just read this since you cant do notifs and it just appeared on my "quotes by people you follow" but GREAT ENDING!!! Love you, love the story, and especially love the way you write :)
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JuliiaaLovesYou 1 decade ago
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love it :)
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monkeydancer98 1 decade ago
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Is it going to be another one direction fanfic? If it is can udo zayn or Louis? Pweeeeeease :)
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iluhyoux 1 decade ago
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Story for story? You read mine I'll read yours. There's a introduction and 20 chapters. My readers love it but I want more xx thanks comment on my profile if so.
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just_aaron 1 decade ago
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This story is soo good! Keep writing please
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posted August 7, 2012 at 5:27pm UTC tagged with story

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