Surveys Quote #6161772
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1. (picture of me) um no thanks 2. (self esteem) non existent

1. (picture of me) um no thanks

2. (self esteem) non existent

3. (fave book) oh um too many.

6. (most famous person ive met) um my best friend was in the hunger games as an extra...

7. (what i want to be when im older) forensic or adolescent psychologist

8. (sibling relationships) not that great 

9. (relationship status) broke my own heart

10. (what i did yesterday) hung with my best friend and a guy who wants to help me

11. (what i did today) witty, sleep

12. (what im doing tomorrow) um idk?

13. (most embarrassing moment) my existence.

14. (desciption of who i like) cute

15. (biggest insecurities) everything

16. (change about myself) be a better person

17. (i’ll love you if) you love me back

18. (something im good at) being depressed

19. (something im bad at) everything useful in life

20. (11:11 wish) confidential

21. (reason i’ve lied to a friend) to protect them

22. (fave movie) hunger games, harry potter (all), many!!!!

23. (something that has made me mad recently) my father and my mother

24. (random fact) i come from a dysfunctional family

25. (question of your choice) you didnt ask me a question

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posted August 16, 2012 at 12:08pm UTC tagged with surveys

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