Advice Quote #6165723
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"Cancer is funny because people die" So, this is a

"Cancer is funny because people die"

So, this is a facebook page. I cried when I saw it. I burst into tears and they couldn't stop. I was at the hospital with my aunt. She was sleeping. I was scrolling through facebook when this page popped up. I looked at my aunt whose dying from her leukimia and burst into tears. I saw her white, frail skin and cried some more. I wiped the tears when her daughter walked into the room. Her daughter is 4 and very bright for her age. She climbed into my lap and stared at her mommy. She started crying. She looked at me with her big, gray eyes that were filled with tears. "Make mommy better." She said to me. I looked at her and cried, "I Wish." I told her. A little while later we left her room. We went downstairs and I saw her little brother. He just turned 2. He wouldn't hug me, when I tried touching him. He screamed and cried. Their other sister has down syndrome. It was her first time at the hospital since her mom was put in. She ended up having a seizure. The doctor said its anxiety issues from being at the hospital. From not having their mom. I couldn't explain how much pain and sorrow I felt. But, with all that pain. I felt anger. Someone had the nerve to make a facebook group like that? To make people filled with so much anger at the thought of their family members dying. My dad went through cancer. So did my mom. My grandpa died from cancer. So did his wife. My aunt had breast cancer. And for someone to make a page like that.... I can't even explain it.


Softballgirl15 1 decade ago
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Wow. Just Wow. Why would someone do that . -.-
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TopOfTheWorld 1 decade ago
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i doubt this happened.
and take a joke, people have different opinions in which they find funny.
if you take a facebook page seriously, why don't you just get off the internet right now.
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lovebug3443 1 decade ago
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My mom has breast cancer.. & i cried when i saw that page too, i was with my friend & i just burst into tears & cried on his shoulder... :(
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QuoteBook123 1 decade ago
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My aunt died of cancer if you ever need anyone to talk to :'(
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Sparksfly322 1 decade ago
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Wow That's horrible I mean I don't even know what to say or respond to something like that but it's definitively not funny AT ALL, Keep strong sorry about your Aunt
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yourgrandfather 1 decade ago
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I've seen that page. its disgusting,
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MusicSavesLives 1 decade ago
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I can't believe there's actually people out there who think cancer is funny. people suffer. it breaks them down in every way possible. I'm so sorry for your losses and for the people in your life who suffered from it. My half brothers' dad died from lung cancer last September, and my grandfather died of bladder/prostate cancer in January. cancer is SO not something to joke about.
Stay strong with everything you're going through, dear. ♥
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DreamWriter 1 decade ago
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The page got deleted. So whoever it is running it made a new one. That is just f/cking stupid. You are right girl. Stay beautiful <3
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RachelNorton 1 decade ago
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My sister cried when she saw that too....I'm crying now. Whoever made that page is a complete heartless @sshole....I don't have a Facebook but if I had one I would say A LOT of things. Stay strong girl and I hope your aunt will be ok.
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gray22 1 decade ago
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stay strong beautiful, whatever happens i promise everything will turn out fine. those horrible b@st@rds will pay for what they did making that horrible page...
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basketballchickkforeveer1 1 decade ago
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I'm sorry sweetheart. Your s strong person. Keep going strong. I want to kick that persons . This almost made me cry and I was mad. I can't Imagiine how you feel.
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Bladez 1 decade ago
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Whoa. You are like the deepest person on witty okay. Every single time I read a really really good quote., or a really really sad quote., I look down., and it turns out it's you every time. Tht is amazing. But I feel so bad sometimes. You have a crazy life. And all I'm doin is sittin here like a potato. I'm sorry for everything that's happening to you., for you to still be here and like telling us your problems and stuff is amazing. I hope your life gets better., I really do.
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nevercloseyoureyes 1 decade ago
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Its okay darlin', its really tough but just ignore all that, its just some bullsh!t that someone desided to make, Your family will be fine, ill be praying <3 xoxox
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elprado01 1 decade ago
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So did I.
Society these days...
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Tashabfd 1 decade ago
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I seen that too;I was crying because my mum passed away last year..It is really sickening,whoever made this group need to seriously go to the doctors;they actually have something wrong with them! Heartless people ;/
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zebrazebrazebra 1 decade ago
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my dad just died of cancer on wednesday...i cried reading this quote
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Sock_Monster 1 decade ago
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nobody particily close to me has died from cancer, but i still think its horrible, people who say thing like that are heartless. just heartless. im sorry about your family, my cousin has down syndrome, <3
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niamh * 1 decade ago
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I saw this page, and too cried. I've lost people due to cancer and it's just sick that people are mocking it.
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snowskier 1 decade ago
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Some people are just heartless..Everyone that is sane knows that cancer is not something funny.I assume that there are many pages on the internet with content that would make anyone outraged :/ Anyway,I hope that your aunt gets better....!
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subtlysam 1 decade ago
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my mum died of cancer a few days ago...
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