Story Quote #6212572
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Before You Leave Me Today Prolouge Katelyn Harris was never popular.

Before You Leave Me Today

Katelyn Harris was never popular. She was always bullied about what she liked and how she looked. There was only one person who was nice to her... Liam Pyane. They would talk and hangout together all of the time. You could have called them brother and sister. She liked Liam, but never told him, but all of that changed when she saw that he was gong to be apart of the boyband that would sweep the nation: One Direction. They stopped talking when he left for X- Factor bootcamp, but she supported him through all of his performances. She did have her best friend Sarah, but she went to a private school.
She finally graduated high school and was going to start her first year of college at Stanford, which means she would have to go across the world to the United States. The best part was that Sarah was accepted into Stanford as well and they would be sharing an apartment.
This year would be different for Katelyn. She would have a whole new aspect on life and try harder to fit in. Say goodbye to the old Katelyn and welcome to a whole new girl in a whole new country.

Format byLaura001

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posted August 30, 2012 at 5:00pm UTC tagged with story

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