Friendship Quote #6348319
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I would like to thank my basketball coach. Megan, you don't

I would like to thank my basketball coach.

Megan, you don't know it but you are one of the most important people in my life. I am most ashamed of the cuts on my wrists when I'm at practice because I know how disappointed you would be. I feel like you truly care and thank you for being there and being so supportive during the months of recovery after my surgery. And now, I'm trying so hard to get back to playing how I used to and you push me because I need it, even if it hurts sometimes. You aren't- you can't- let up on me, ever, even once I reach my old level. You will always force me to keep improving. And not just in basketball. You taught me that I can't halfass anything in my life. Giving my all in everything I do will lead to success and being an overall better person. I would also like to thank you for understanding about the horrible experience I had with my first year-round coach. I had no self-esteem after playing for her and you have helped me to believe in myself, even if I can only truly believe it on the baskteball court. I love the sport and now I actually believe I have potential.
Thank you for nagging me about working out, doing my homework, staying safe, and taking care of my body. Thank you for inviting me to tournaments even though I couldn't play, for still involving me witht the team. I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate what you do for me and for the whole team.


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posted October 19, 2012 at 1:09am UTC tagged with friendship

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