Story Quote #6561946
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The Little Things ~Chapter 10~ I did get in trouble for the scandal.

The Little Things
~Chapter 10~
I did get in trouble for the scandal. I'm not allowed to go party for awhile. There are worse things to deal with, though. Like Liam going back to ignoring me. It's early on a Sunday morning so I get dressed and walk over to Liam's to surprise him. Basically so he can't get away from me. "Liam, wake up." I shake him in his bed. "Dan-" His eyes widen, "Oh, Val.. Valarie," He mumbles. I try not to show how much it stung that he thought it would be Danielle. "Happy birthday," I mumble. "Thanks," He mutters, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Danielle was supposed to come over," He shrugs. "Yeah well you got me instead," I sigh. He smirks. "Look, maybe this was a bad idea, I should go." I stand up to leave, he grabs my wrist. Volts of electricty sting up my arm and I close my eyes, loving the warmth of his hand. The sudden cold when he lets go makes my heart hurt. "Wait, what's up? Why'd you come?" He asks, confused. I turn slowly, and smile a little.
"We made a promise, remember?" His face lights up as he remembers and he gets out of bed to get dressed, excited.

As we sit on the swings, eating our icecream, mine chocolate and his vanilla, I sigh. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Well.. It was a lot more fun when we could fit in the jungle gym," I chuckle. "Hey, you promised," He rolls his eyes. And he's right, we did. When we were little, we spent every birthday together. And when he got big and famous, we were scared to let that go. So we promised that no matter where we were or who we were with, we'd make time for eachother. Maybe a long phone call or video chat, or on lucky occasions like these, spending the day. "Remember the year you turned 5?" Liam mumbles, kicking sand with his feet. "Uh huh," I mumble. "You broke your wrist," He laughs. I squint my eyes at him, trying to figure out why it's funny. "I still didn't leave, I spent the whole day at the hospital." He laughs. I laugh, too. "Liam," I sigh, but not to him, more to the Liam I remember. "Where did you go?" I whisper. He stares deep into my eyes, his are sad, and instead of answering, he just sticks out his hand, "It's getting late, let's get back," I grab it and we walk home.

We stop at my stairs. "Wanna come in?" I breathe, hoping he says yes, and kind of hoping he says no. He shakes his head, "I have something I need to do," He smiles a little. "Me too," I whisper, meaning it. Before he goes, he leans in hesitantly, kissing my cheek lightly. My cheek bursts into flames. I watch him leave then run inside and get out a pen. I write and write and write.
Then I call Mr. Manson and meet him in the studio. I sing him the song I wrote and he promises to get it out as soon as possible. I thank him and go home to go to bed.
I wake up the next morning to hear my song playing on the radio and scream with excitement. I sing along with my favorite lines, the ones especially inspired by Liam. At the end, the radio man tells how I literally wrote it last night, and I dance a little victory dance for myself. Suddenly, One Direction is being interviewed. "How'd you like it guys?" They all comment except for Liam. "One line asks 'Oh you, where did you go?' " The man says quietly, "What do you think about that heartbreaker?" The man jokes. Liam speaks up, "I'm right here, Val."

* * * * *
Hey guys, I'm so beyond sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time. My laptop hasn't been working and I wasn't able to upload, but thank you for staying with me! However, when I was waiting to get the laptop fixed, I lost my notification list.. So I don't think I'm going to notify anymore:/ But I'm posting more chapters tonight, I'm trying to get this one finished so I can write a new one.. So sorry loves, love you all !<3


bowtiesandfezzes 1 decade ago
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Ahh, this gave me feels!! :D This is seriously one of my favourite stories on here! :)
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kto_123 1 decade ago
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Oh my gosh, thanks so much, it means more than you know!♥
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k_lee_xox 1 decade ago
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Love the story deffo the last line is my fav :D
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kto_123 1 decade ago
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Ahh! Thanks love ♥
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Little Wolf* 1 decade ago
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WOOHOO, YOU'RE BACK. The end is my favourite, and I can't get enough of this story. :)
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kto_123 1 decade ago
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Thank you so much love, it means so much that you're staying with me! <3
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Little Wolf* 1 decade ago
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Oh don't even worry! ♥
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kto_123 1 decade ago
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You have no idea ♥
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36 Wittians like this



posted January 8, 2013 at 7:10pm UTC tagged with story

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