Requests Quote #6639389
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Some one tell me your story, just start from the begining and

Some one tell me your story, just start from the begining and go 


emz17lover 1 decade ago
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I was born to my parents when they were 27 years old. I lied in a house by a busy road until I was a few months old, and then we moved to a larger house with a larger yard. We stayed there until my brother was born two years after me. Then we moved to a lake and lived in a log cabin, which we fixed up and made into a nice home. I made friends there, which was hard for me to leave when I was 5 or 6 to my current home, where I started going to school. I made mny close friends oer the years, and some drifted from me, which kinda sucks... Then I grauated from th 5th grade and it felt so scary and new to go to middle school. I made friends there, and kept old ones. At first it was like everyone were strangers, but now, in high school, they're all the people that I know. I made some friends in freshman year, which is pretty tough. I'm still trying to keep it up, but I'm not a bad student. I get a's and b's. My parents are still married, my brother is still here -annoying at times, but I love him- and everything in my life is pretty good. Its scary fr me though to realize how fast time is flying. My best friend is getting college tours today, even though shes 14. It's like, whats the rush? and I still ned to ake drvers ed, which most of my friends are taking or have taken. I'm just nervous I'll fail and get in an accident or do something horrible. But, that's a short version of my story ahah. I was bored. Bet I made you bored too lol
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esdipaola 1 decade ago
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Nah, I wasn't bored it is a better story than mine lol
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posted February 18, 2013 at 11:55pm UTC tagged with requests, storys

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