Advice Quote #6700871
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A lot of people want to hear my story.. Are you one of those

A lot of people want to hear my story..
Are you one of those people?
Well, you're going to anyway.
My bullying story took off in, probably 1st grade. There was a girl that always made fun of me. She's was mean and hateful. She would pull my hair, and push me. She was "popular" I meant nothing to her. Or any of her friends. I didn't care. I stayed nice to her.
Let's skip to about fourth grade. I dyed my hair blonde. And everyone started to call me names, and would threaten to cut my hair, and I hated it. I wasn't skinny. I wasn't pretty. I didn't really care though. I was confident.. Till about fifth grade, I lost confidence. I hated what I looked like in the mirror. And it made it hard to even look at myself.
Sixth grade, bullying got bad.. I was pushed everyday. I was hit. I was stabbed with pencils.. I wanted to give up.. Finally, all my friends started hating me.. So, I started cutting.. It was a BIG mistake! The bullying got worse and worse.
That summer, I went to a camp. I made friends, and finally felt wanted. I didn't want to ever leave. But when I did, my mom got abusive. It was terrible. My brother hoped that it'd all stop for me, but it of course didn't. Oh yeah, lets backtrack. My birthday, the year I turned 12.. My mom was drunk/high. She decided to try and beat me.. She told me she hated me.. That I was a mistake. I believed her.. My brother ran away that day.. 2 days before my birthday.. The only words I heard him say for what felt like forever were "Happy Birthday Sydney." Then he left..
Seventh grade year. I was determined to make it AMAZING! But, it wasn't amazing. It started off good. Then, around October, I met a guy. I thought I loved him.. We started dating the same day we met. And I didn't regret it at first. I didn't know that It was going to almost kill me..
One week into dating, I gave myself away to him.. Dumbest decision ever... Everyone at school found out, I was called a "no good *****" daily.. I wanted to die. That's when my cutting got bad. One night, I got so sick of life, that I put a knife to my throat, ready to end it.. I made a small cut, then dropped it. I don't know why, but I did.
Im gonna skip around a bit. I developed anorexia because everyone thought I was pregnant, and I was determined to starve myself until every bone in my body showed. I got to that point, then got made to eat again. I was thankful..
Today, im a recovered anorexic, and im still fighting self harm, but, im winning. I've been clean a week. The point of this is to show you, that no matter where life takes you, God always has a bigger plan for you. Im living proof. Just about two weeks ago, I lost the guy I thought I was going to marry. I was miserable, but, I have to look on the bright side, he's my best friend now, and im thankful for that. After all my suicide attempts, through all my pain, and with my scars, God still hasn't given up on me yet. He hasn't given up on you either, so don't give up on yourself just yet. Your story hasn't ended yet. Don't make it.
Stay Strong!


NAC 1 decade ago
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I was going through my favs and found this again and I just wanted to say that you are amazing and im proud of you for getting through all of this
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I'm so proud of you for getting through everything, and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you <3
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ZebraLover87 1 decade ago
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Thank you so much!
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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You're welcome <3
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Adriana Smith * 1 decade ago
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Hey! Why have u never told me any of your story I knew about the boy but nothing else. Text me! Love u always and don't forget it!
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ZebraLover87 1 decade ago
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Well, read it. This is most of my story.
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The Day Dream Expert * 1 decade ago
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I know I've never talked to you before but, I'm so proud of you for recovering :)
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ZebraLover87 1 decade ago
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Thank you. Its a big struggle, but im slowly getting there. Its people like you that help me get through with your inspiring words! :)
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The Day Dream Expert * 1 decade ago
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You're very welcome :) And always remember if you need to talk or anything you can just drop a comment on my profile!#StayStrong <3
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