Ugh Quote #6743971
all quotes · ugh · semicolon · preople · irritate · love ·

; Do you guys realize what this is? It's a semicolon. It's

Do you guys realize what this is?
It's a semicolon.
It's a form of punctuation.
Quit acting like it's soooo inspirational.


_Angiee_ 1 decade ago
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Just let people be . Like Doublesidedice said , its a symbol . It means a lot to people , It means A LOT to me ! it saves lives . DEAL WITH IT !
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OhHoePlease 1 decade ago
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It wasn't directed specifically towards you. Calm down.
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doublesidedice 1 decade ago
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I know all that stuff has been going around about it but it's not the punctuation that matters. It's its purpose nd symbol that matters. You know what they say it stands for. It's saved my friends life so I think it's a miracle how people get such inspiration from that
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