Conscienceschool Quote #6828500
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Conscience School Application Form Hello and welcome to Conscience

Conscience School Application Form

Hello and welcome to Conscience School!  Conscience School is a place that transforms naughty children into polite, well-behaved little angels!  And best of all, it's completely FREE!

Warning:  Sending your child to Conscience School may result in temporary insanity.  After attending Conscience School, your child may feel compelled to constantly badger you to correct your behavior.  If these side effects do occur, consult your local psychiatrist.  Hopefully these symptoms will disappear after a few years of counseling.

Just contact us and send in an application form, like the one you are reading right now.  We'll automatically accept your child!

At Conscience School, children will be placed in an environment as close to their daily lives as possible.  Each child will have a Conscience School Mentor assigned to them.  Their Mentor will follow the child around.  Whenever the child is being naughty (e.g. slapping others' faces with a paper tube), the Mentor will immediately take action to correct the habit.  Once the child is completely de-naughtified, the Mentor will send the child home.

If you wish to send your child to Conscience School, please fill out the form below.  Your child may fill out the form.

Name:        The Infinite Jar      
                 ftfirst        middle          last

Gender:  M/F  Unknown.  Subject is a vegetable.

How did you hear about Conscience School?

Subject is friends with the founder of Conscience School.

What do you want to achieve at Conscience School?
Subject wishes to achieve four things.
Subject wishes to
1.  Permanently expel subject's own buttheadedness.
2.  Learn proper etiquette and "table manners."

3.  Stop saying "subject" all the time.
4.  Learn how to use pronouns.

Describe your life.
Subject goes to a public school.  Subject's grade has 380 people and is filled with many assorted buttheads.  Subject constantly wants to smash buttheads' faces against the wall.  Alas, subject is unable to do that, as that would result in prolonged suspension or permanent ejection from subject's school.  Subject tends to suffer from a lack of sleep, and will sometimes doze off in class.  Subject will wake up and become highly disoriented.  Subject's home life is rather boring.  Every morning, subject refuses to get our of bed.  Subject almost always almost misses the morning bus to school.  When subject gets home, subject engages in various sedentary activies.  Then subject goes to sleep and then wakes up the next morning and then the cycle repeats again.

Thank you for joining Conscience School!  School will begin immediately.  WAIT WHAT SUBJECT WAS NOT INFORMED OF THIS SUBJECT DOES NOT WANT TO GO  WHYYYYYYY


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posted July 16, 2013 at 10:18am UTC tagged with conscienceschool, naughty, children, funny