Help Quote #6939255
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I NEED ADVISE since I go to uni, things changed everybody is

since I go to uni, things changed
everybody is really s*x obsessed
there's this guy who asked multiple times if I would do him
I got drunk yesterday and we kissed but then I got sick
I can't stop thinking about the idea of just texting im , going to his home and have s*x
my morals stop me, but I really want to
what should I do, wait until I find somebody I love(this is not my 1st time btw)
or just have fun?


LittleCaringFreak 1 decade ago
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You're gonna regret it later. Besides your morals, he'll only use you and when he's done, he'll push you away and you'll be hurt, a guy that kisses you when you're drunk, he's a jerk and you'll be "broken".. Don't do it.
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VentAway 1 decade ago
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I know that, so I wouldn't get emotialy attatched to him, I would just... have fun you know... but I don't know something is stopping me
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LittleCaringFreak 1 decade ago
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As a girl, you're unable to not get emotionally attatched, you're gonna get hurt. Sleeping around, don't be that girl, you're gonna regret it, you might not sleep around, but, he's gonna throw you away, you're not gonna understand it. You're gonna sleep with another random, and another and another and then.. Before you know it, "how many guys have I slept with?" The fact that there's something stopping you, tells you that it's not a good idea.
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VentAway 1 decade ago
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you're right, it would just be so easy...
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LittleCaringFreak 1 decade ago
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I know.. But not in the long run. It's gonna get harder. Trust me.
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