Rant Quote #6955877
all quotes · rant · consequences · inspirational ·

Those moments when you realize just how skrewed up our system

Those moments when you realize just how skrewed up our system of government is.
Rich, drunk, 16 year old, kills 4 people, paralyzes 2-3 other while driving drunk... gets probation and is sent to a clinic, no jail time.
Singer, gets drunk at 19, drag races, nearly kills someone... people are trying to make sure he's freed.
The judge claims that the sentence he gave him would have been the same for anyone else in the same predicament,
I would love to see someone from my neck of the woods do that, because I know they would go to jail.
A daughter claims that her mother was murdered and has evidence to bach her claim, police still call it suicide.
Someone believe that someone is breaking into their house, calls the cops but the cops don't come.
That same person shoots the intruder to protect their home and family and goes to jail.
Police shoot a black man who was just trying to find help because his car broke down.
A man shoots another guy in the theater because he was checking up on his daughter right before the movie started.
What happened to this country?  What happened to thinking before you act?
No one realizes their consequences or they don't get punished at all.
Why is that? Why can't we punish people who break the law?
My voice is small but I wonder if someone else can hear it and try to pass this concern to the next ear.
Our government needs to start over, to treat everyone equally, being rich, being famous, being black.
none of that should matter.
what should matter is the crime that was commited but no one seems to see that anymore,
all they see is a face and a name.

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posted January 26, 2014 at 4:26pm UTC tagged with rant, consequences, inspirational

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